
Monday, November 6, 2017

Powell Butte and Birbiglia

Last weekend was the first time in months that I get to sleep in until I woke up naturally, it was glorious! I thank our new window shades and an unusual quite morning!

We also went hiking to Powell Butte, which is awesome and only like 40 min away by bus (we are so dumb for not going more frequently). We stopped for donuts on the way there because we seem to have an unhealthy tradition of eating donuts before every hike. At least the donuts are worth it, so good. I was quite taken with Powell Butte because it has a very different terrain than what is usual around here, which is very foresty. This place was all grasslands surrounded by a perimeter of forest, it is quite beautiful.
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On Sundays, Sophie has tennis class, I would usually hate to do anything at all on Sundays, but the ride to the class is nice, we get to walk around a pdx neighborhood we don't hang out in that much, and after class we usually go to a nearby vegan bakery, grab a pastry and coffee, and swing by a vegan grocery for some last minute buys. It's becoming a routine I look forward to. Of course, right after we get home, I don't want to do anything at all....but while out, it's nice.
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This Sunday, I had to muster the energy to get out again at night to see Birbiglia, easily one of my favorite comics. I love his concept/story telling comedy specials. I laughed hard and was in such a great mood, I suggested we stayed out even later (even though that meant a sleepy workday the next day) and go to the movies (since we have moviepass...unlimited movies at the theater for a monthly subscription)...we did that, and well, let's just say that we gotta be more choosy with our movies because that felt like a total  waste of time. Oh well... you can't win them all.

Birbiglia didn't disappoint tonight, hilarious! One of my favorite comedians for sure!

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PS I took a video while we were riding our bikes, but it was a fail... The vibrations of the bike made the video weird...and I kinda missed the window to get fall at it's peak...but here it is anyway, hopefully next year, I'll figure something out that works out better:
PPS Pretty much all i post here is a slightly longer explanations of my instagram feed haha


  1. Awesome pics as always... and donuts before hiking... that sounds like a good motivation, lol... maybe I need to try it XD

  2. Nice, I need to go there!! What movie did you watch? I need to try that moviepass thing.. I wonder if it works in Juarez

  3. Yeah, our do nothing Sundays are no longer that, but it's cool :) This fall has been crazy active and busy! Birbiglia was funny AF!

  4. I liked the video! Seems like life has been full of stuff, very eventful. Donuts are amazing
