
Saturday, July 23, 2011

yes men, again

So I have been pretty bummed about the Norway terrorist attack, since most of you know that Norway is the country I look up to... but then we watched the first Yes Men documentary since the second one had left a good impression on us.  It was awesome and funny.  These guys are pretty awesome and gutsy.  I used to think there was only one way of protesting, the traditional street protesting with signs and all.  But the more I learn about how people creatively protest against these corporations, the more I am amazed.  These people are my heroes, these identity correction activists, and also the new wave of hacktivists.  All these people inspire me.  Now I just have to find a way to translate this inspiration into action....


  1. They are very clever, they are like artist activists. Brilliant!

  2. I wanna see what they do!! I'm gonna netflix them. Also... hacktivists ftw!
