
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

window person

On my walk to and from school, I pass by this particular house that always has a window open.  Most houses don't have front yards and the sidewalks are tiny, so if I were to stretch my arms wide next to that window, my arm would literally be inside the house.  So you can see how a person staring out the window is a bit unnerving...  That dude is always there!  Mornings, afternoons, evenings, doesn't matter!  And if he's not looking out that window, he is sitting right next to it.  I have a very illogical hypothesis about him being a person from Russia that was promised a job in England and now he is trapped in this foreign country with no understanding of the language and living in fear of getting caught and send back to Russia.  I am not sure why living in Russia would be bad, but that's what I think when I pass this window.  Anyway, I wish there was a way to avoid walking by this window, but as you can see by my horrible diagram it is quite impossible, or at least very inconvenient. 

The red path is the path I take, the direction doesn't matter since I go both directions.  If I were to cross to the the other sidewalk, I would have to deal with the roundabout thing that is a pain in the ass, and a death risk.  That's why it's inconvenient to go that way.  And yes, I could just avoid the whole thing and go around but it seriously takes like an extra 5-10 minutes.  I know what you are thinking, well it's just a few minutes!  But when I am running late in the mornings or when I am starving in the afternoons, those minutes seem eternal....or I am could be both.


  1. Hahaha, that diagram is awesome, hahahaha. You should become friends with him :P

  2. awesome post!! HAHAHA
    And that is a very interesting hypothesis that demands testing. You must interact with this person and find out!

  3. Maybe he is a time traveler sent to warn us about skynet and the rebellion of the machines, but he got in the wrong country and now we are all doomed...

    Just yell "Sputnik" and see his reaction :P

    This post made me remember this song
    My dad used to sing it when I was little :)
