
Friday, June 24, 2011


Whenever we make a trip we make ridiculous amounts of planning...all necessary though.  This time, Chuy took care of most of the paper work, like mapping all our interest points (veg*n restaurants), our hotel, and writing down all their info.  We also have prepare breakfast for the morning train ride, I made pancakes and washed dishes.  See, we can't just go to random places in our trips...well, we could but we wouldn't eat very well...and well, we like to eat.  We don't like to be hungry either, so we rather over prepare than be sorry.  All of that will change when the whole world is vegan.  Oh? You say that's never gonna happen?  Ok, not in our lifetime, but one can dream....  I am off to pack my clothes and sleep to have an awesome weekend in Brighton, a seaside city that's known for its vegan friendliness. :D


  1. Eventually people will look back at animal exploitation and wonder how anyone thought that was acceptable, the way we look back at slavery and witch hunts now...

  2. Yes, I believe that will be the case.

  3. Yes! What an awesome world it will be. Too bad we're not going to be around to witness it.
