
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


to the lab!

oh yes :)
No more whining about the lab being closed!

Other random things that went on today:
  • I was shocked to hear someone talk with an American accent. (It made me a bit homesick hahah)
  • Realized that I am gonna have to redesign my project to accommodate for the available equipment :/ 
  • I began reading 'The Demon Haunted World' by Carl Sagan :)
  • I keep finding worms in the middle of the pavement, what's that about?
  • Road construction is a wide.
  • Ate some raw snacks at a vegan meeting, oh man delicious.


  1. so the PHD guy finally finished his project then? :P LOL what do you mean worms in the middle of the pavement?

  2. I like the pic :) And yeah, at least you can get into the lab anytime now! Worm in the pavement?! I haven't seen that!

  3. no he didnt finish mari, we are just sharing now....and yes, ever since it started being warmer, I see a bunch of worms on my walk to 20-30, in the middle of the pavement...i cant figure out whats going on.....but now, it's not that bad, only like 5 worms per walk
