
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


why not?

this is what I ate today:

My addiction, wholegrain cereal + cherries + assorted seeds +, so good....I "accidentally" had a bit of soymilk leftover so I "accidentally" served myself a bit more cereal...

Lunch that I took to school - Nectarine + salad + leftover cheezy rice tvp guisado....delicious, I actually ate the guisado and salad all combined with some hot sauce...I only ate half of the guisado....and I forgot to take my book to read while eat :( but they have newspapers, and I read about this activist that was living in front of the parliament square for 10 years to protest the Iraq war! that's some determination! He died over the weekend :(

Dinner: Roasted red pepper hummus, baba ganoush, a heavy sprinkle of cayenne, steamed broccoli, celery, carrots and pita, this was so awesome!  We finally got our baba ganoush down to taste restaurant amazing!

Sophie wanted a lollipop and I couldn't refuse the temptation...not from a boring lollipop...but the center is filled with chile.......yum hahha I guess this was my dessert?
And that's all I consumed today, that and water. :)


  1. oh man. sounds delicious xD
    i just laughed when i read baba ganoush. it sounds too funny xD and even with the picture i don't know what it is :p

  2. MMMMMMMMMM that cereal looks so delicious and healthy!!! nothing like mine lol.

    but wtf! 10 years?! thats crazy!

  3. @baudy baba ganoush is a smoky, tangy, eggplant dip, it's soooooooo awesome! :)

  4. We eat rather well :) esp you, with your healthy lunches!

  5. I have been wanting to taste Hummus for a long time, but I always forget about it :P
    I'll try to buy some next time I go to buy groceries. And the baba ganoush, I have never heard of it, but it looks interesting, maybe I'll try do some one of these days, though the eggplant is not common here.

  6. @luis, if you can find tahini (sesame seed paste), hummus is pretty easy to make...and to make baba ganoush you need tahini if you make one, might as well make the other haha
