
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Drama. Ugh. Well after being in facebook for a year or two (who knows...), it was bound to happen. A cousin of mine (not Sergio hahah), told me to never post of his page anything again. WTF. And when I asked him what's the point of having him in fb if I am not 'allowed' to communicate with him, he said I was being disrespectful for not wanting to follow his wishes. WTF. So, I deleted him. This was actually causing me stress, so that's good. Ugh. By the way, he doesn't like my comments cause I question what he posts and try to get him to explain his positions. Apparently, questions = bad. WTF. Maybe this post should have been called WTF. hahah Oh well, at least I am done with 1 final, 6 to go!


  1. Whoa, are you under the impression that you CAN post on my wall??? Hahahaha jk

  2. Yeah, good riddance lol. ....was that too mean?

  3. @sergio fine, i'll stop commenting your nonexistent status updates hahaha

    @mari a bit hahah, but no hahah, maybe...

  4. Yeah, lets all stop commenting on Sergio's wall :P

  5. Yeah, that was odd. People's idea of respect is rather twisted. And so is their idea of "live and let live", which does NOT mean, todo me vale madre. I've had my share of "fb drama" but it doesn't really bother me. I don't mind being the voice of dissent, because that is probably the only one they will ever hear...

  6. i dont mind being the voice of dissent, in fact i embrace it, but what to do when they don't want to even let you post comments to what they say? i don't have time for that kind of people....

  7. yeah, it makes dialogue impossible...

  8. @chuy: live and let live to me does not mean i don't means i can believe it's okay for others to share different beliefs than mine, as long as no harm is being done, physically. And that is respect as well.

  9. @Brenda - Look Brenda, his belief is "fuck you if you don't think like I do". That's respectful? That doesn't sound like position clamoring to be respected. I know it is hard for you to see this, but talking to someone about ideas, dialogue to understand the other position, explaining yours, listening to theirs, is not a lack of respect. It just isn't. Unlike him, we were not using profanity, we were not demanding that he agree with us. If anything, we we asking for an explanation, in order to understand his position. Trying to understand is a lack of respect? Please...if he doesn't want to talk about something, then don't post it on facebook, a place for social interaction. Just because you don't always hear "yes, I agree with you, you're awesome" does not mean you are being attacked or disrespected. Discussing an idea, is not the same as attacking the people that hold it.

  10. why do you say it's hard for me to see it? i wasn't even talking about what my brother posted. i was sticking up for myself, making myself clear on what the words mean to me.

  11. i think everyone here would agree that we think it's ok for other people to have other beliefs/thoughts.......but because you respect a person, you don't have to respect every single one of their ideas...thats the problem, that people don't know how to separate ideas from the person themselves.....i respect a lot of people, but in each and every one of those people that i highly respect, i dont respect their idea that eating meat is ok.....and so an example....and brenda, i think, your view of live and let live is actually the standard definition of that saying...i just use it wrong, i mean it the literal way, which is just confusing, i know....

  12. @Brenda - okay, that issue aside. Live and let live, can be interpreted to mean different things, sure. So we can talk about how, to me, it doesn't mean that I can't discuss certain ideas. I am not hurting anyone physically, as you say, by asking questions or asking them why they hold a certain position. Simply because I think dialogue about ideas that are important to us is central to understanding each other better, does not mean that I am advocating a mono culture where everyone feels and thinks the same thing.

    So where you are getting that I think it is NOT okay for others to think differently?

  13. i know how you mean it angelica, i believe live and let live can apply to so many things in life. all i'm trying to say, is that this is one of the ways of what it means to me, not what chuy claimed my belief was. that's all i'm trying to clear up.

  14. @chuy, that's all i was trying to say, what i said to angelica lol.
