
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

what are the chances?

That an Embedded Systems Masters program in England will have only 6 students?  4 of which are from India?  2 of which are from Mexico?

That I have met more Mexicans than people from England at school?

That I have spoken more Spanish here in England than when I lived in the US?

That tomorrow I wont be as dead (of tiredness) as I am today?


  1. Impressive, maybe britons also want to study abroad? :P.

    And chances are, you are going to die tomorrow...yes, a bit tragic...but you had a good run...hahaha, jk

  2. That's pretty weird!!! and cool!! 6 students!? you must be friends with them by now lol

  3. lol, thats awesome. Here in Mexico I only knew a few people from outside this country while in college, one from Venezuela, another from Spain and a close friend from Chile.

    I wonder how it will be when I get into my Masters degree.

  4. This is a miracle! The virgencita wanted you to feel at home and so you are with mexicans and speak spanish! hahahahahaahahahah

    Pretty odd though...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. lol, all praise The virgencita who has the power of... appearing in toasts and... the windows of a bank.

    Damn, those are the only miracles I could find.
    Here's some proof of them:

    and proof that lord Vader can do better miracles and is more accurate

  7. LOL Yes! All praise lord vader! The better toast apparitioner? haha

  8. man, you really need some serious imagination for that 'virgin' toast... the vader one is WAY more awesome!
