
Thursday, April 28, 2011


This week of revision, was full of accents.  I have a three professors with Asian (I think one might be Chinese and two might be Japanese) accents, one Indian (I know that's in Asia too), one Greek accent, one German, three English, and one Italian.  My personal favorite one is the Italian.  I always felt bad at wanting to burst out laughing at the Italian accent.  Not because he is not understandable or anything bad.  But, it is just like it's portrayed in the movies!  That's what's so funny about it!  I thought they exaggerated it in the movies or something.  But no!  Going to lectures was fun just because of the accent.  The downside is that I was so caught up with the accent that I had a hard concentrating on the content of the course.  hahah.  And it never gets old.  I had this professor for a whole semester, and each time he spoke, he amused me.  I wish I had a cool accent like him, not a boring Mexican American English accent or a Juarez Mexican Spanish accent. Oh well.  Arrivederci :)


  1. I bet Asian people find the Mexican English accent pretty funny too. In one of my previous jobs I had to communicate in English with a Chinese person, man, we looked retarded talking all slow so the other person could understand haha. Auf Wiedersehen :)

  2. agreed with sergio! we have funny awesome accents! specially out parents!! think about it!! =)

  3. LOL, the teachers at UTEP have weird accents as well... they're from all over the place! Mexico, UK, France, Brazil, Russia.. etc. My fav. is the french one. It's so cool!

  4. yeah, the heavy mexican accent is pretty awesome! And yes, I love accents! All of them! I love the way they sound. Languages in general amuse me plenty.

  5. but i don't think i have the mexican english accent you guys are saying is funny....or do i?!

  6. Nope, you definitely don't have it :)
