
Saturday, April 16, 2011


I study in a pile of papers...  (I might be getting a bit carried away with large apertures..oops)  

...because I have 7, yes, that's seven, final exams in a few weeks.  I don't really know how to study, I don't have the patience for it.  Whenever I usually have a test, I glance over the material a few times to remember the main points, and that's it.  Well there's no way I can do that for these exams.  Four of the exams are from classes I took in the fall semester.  That's months ago.  Which for my memory, might as well be years ago.  I also have a very serious procrastinating problem, which only adds stress.  But today, I tried to tackle it because let's face it, I need to start studying now.  These tests are worth 60-80% of each class.  This is no joke.  Today, I got through studying for about 75% of one class, HMI (Human Machine Interaction).  So that's a start...


  1. Yeah, that's intense. I don't know why they do that. Exams 5 months after the classes were over. But Sophie and I will get out of your way so you can study, like today :)

  2. Wooooow, tests from the fall classes??? That sucks, I'm the same way as you when it comes to studying, can't seem to get the grasp of it

  3. Yeah, Idk how you could deal with that much pressure. I would seriously have a nervous breakdown lol. Don't you just love that feeling of accomplishment after you pass your classes though?

  4. That's impressive Geli. Just remember, you're doing something to better yourself that according to statistics only 9.4 of the population hold a US citizens 25 and older hold a graduate or professional degree!! So.. that makes you about that much more awesome! =) "never give up!! never surrender, till DEATH!" -LEONIDAS AND THE BRAVE 300!

  5. i AM having a nervous breakdown mari! and nice stats paco! i like the sound of them haha :)
