
Sunday, April 17, 2011


Today, we had tea with a family we met in the vegan meetings, and it was pleasant.  It used to be that I didn't meet well with strangers at all.

I used to think that I was a shy person... that talking to strangers gave me anxiety, but I've come to realize that I am just introverted.  And I am not ashamed of it.  I know we live in an extroverted world that pressures introverts to behave like extroverts.  But no, thanks.  Talking to strangers only gives me anxiety because I know I will be expected to act like an extrovert, something I am not.  That anxiety used to cause me to think I was failing at being human as a shy person.  It turns out a lot of people feel that way and I am not an alien.  And it's ok.  Just admitting to myself that it's ok to feel this anxiety, really lowers the anxiety level and I am able to enjoy meeting people.

This post was brought to you by the fact that I completely forgot to take a picture of something and I'm tired... 


  1. Yeah, that was pleasant, and I am glad you didn't hate it!

  2. This is exactly how I feel!! Sometimes I even decide to stay in just cause it's so exhausting trying to make conversation. I guess I am an introvert, lol.

  3. I suppose almost everyone (if not everyone) here is introvert at least to some extend XD, so we know how you feel in that kind of situation, at least i know i do :P

  4. awwww geli's shyyy .... awww awwww hahah jk =)
