
Monday, May 13, 2013

a serious case of the mondays...

today has been the hardest day at work... not because of the work but because of how tired I was... I could barely keep myself awake, so I bought a latte, and that helped me be awake, but in that state of awakeness that you're still a zombie....slow, clumsy and prone to error...and the minutes seemed like I had to get an energy seemed like a fail attempt at the beginning, but I must say that it made my second half of the day go by normally...which is good since I spend quite a bit of time with my lead...and slow angelica is no good hahah so it took 3 servings of caffeine to get me to an acceptable state....i dont have a high tolerance for caffeine, so that should tell you how tired i was.....unfortunately, the effect hasnt worn off and it's time to go to sleep....ugh

the transition from weekend to weekday doesn't bode well with me...I sleep late on Saturdays so I wake up late on Sundays...and then I can't sleep when I should on Sundays...and worst of all is that when I do manage to go to sleep, I keep waking up every few hours....I still have that ingrained paranoia of thinking the alarm will not go's not wearing off...ugh


  1. :( Maybe we should not stay up so late Saturdays?

  2. That paranoia...I hate it, I constantly wake up thinking the alarm didn't go off.

    1. dude, we're pretty similar in some stuff, who knew!

  3. Ya'll are crazy.. i will not only wake up worried about my alarm... but i won't even wake up when my alarm rings lol... well, not anymore since I moved out lol...
