
Monday, March 11, 2013


weekdays mean waking up early to make lunch for sophie and get sophie ready for school... then we walk .6mi to her school....the walk is always a nice way to wake up.....we are usually rushing there but on the way back i can take my time and really enjoy the weather and doesnt matter if it's pouring, if it's sunny, cool and gray, cold and crisp, or's always enjoyable....because it's never 'omfg im gonna die, it's so hot'.....thats the only kind of weather i hate....all others are welcomed and can be since the days are so super nice nowadays and since there's more light out now (even though sergio hates it), i thought it would be great to also take an after dinner family walk....and it was...i really like walking, it's the best way to take it all in....and since portland is awesome, it pays to take it all in...hopefully, the evening walk becomes a routine


  1. I prefer the hot weather to cold weather... yes, I've become one of those people.

  2. Yeah, we can walk 1 day, bike 1 day or something like that. I loved the walk yesterday, so lets keep doing that! :D

  3. Haha, hate is such a strong word. I don't dislike daylight, I just like the night more :). But yeah, walking is super awesome.
