
Monday, March 4, 2013


so Chuy is not the only one doing certifications... he got Mari, Sergio and me involved in this free certification.... and mine is only in two weeks... so I really should start getting serious about it... a week or two ago, I started watching one video per night of the available videos for this certification but for some reason... the whole weekend, no studying took place... so I need to catch up... because while the videos are informative, they are also very basic and general and I feel like they might not be preparing me at all! So I need to hurry up and finish these videos already!  today, I watched two, only 3 to go! and then the real studying begins hahah

you know...I really should start writing in complete sentences and with proper punctuation....when I reread my posts, I am always puzzled that I do that...I don't do it on purpose, it comes out that way....but if I am writing a formal document, it comes out brain is weird...and I don't like capital letters....

and this picture is for mari since she wanted me to send her a picture of my bike:

My bike is the red one!


  1. I haven't done aaaanything to prepare for my cert. Lol... that's cool!!! I want a red, non curvy bike!!

  2. Even though I'm pretty confident with my level of HTML, CSS & JS I should still study for the exam.
    I know, why DO you write like that? It's weird, but it's also you, whenever I see half the characters being dots, I know it's you :P.

    1. well that's kinda's like if i have a typing style! :P

  3. Yes, you all better pass this! And then buy me some chinese food! bam! And yeah, we have not been studying enough lately, we need to get to it...tomorrow! haha
