
Wednesday, July 11, 2012


more specifically the 'Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden'... we biked to there today, it was pretty amazing... it's a beautiful, huge garden with a huge lake.... filled with geese, that's its only defect.... i hate geese, i might hate all birds, im still thinking about that....  they all seem to want to attack me, and im not fond of being attacked.... anyway, after we tried to find another trail but failed so we went back home, it was still a nice ride, about 7.2 miles... hey! im still not in shape!


  1. Did you google map the distance? Cuz it didn't seem that far to me. And yeah, that was a beautiful garden! We shall go back! And come on, the geese were just chillin, and so was the little duck family. And the other birds were just frozen in place pretty much, motionless.

  2. yup, i googled the distance, the esplanade ride that we do is 9 miles...i googled it!

    1. That's awesome then :) We're in better shape than we think!

  3. That's awesome!! Lol I hate birds too!

  4. i'm ridiculously out of shape >.< but i shall be in it soon!
