
Sunday, June 19, 2011


Today, in the middle of the night, I watched the Mexico game.  I had been hearing about how awesome Mexico was playing and how awesomely they were beating everyone.  I was envious about anyone watching because the games were in the weekdays while I was sleeping.  When I heard that they were playing on the weekend, I was pretty excited, it's been a while since I've seen a good match from Mexico.  Well, I feel gypped.  They did the whole weak sauce playing that I know so well from the seleccion. least they won....


  1. Yeah, they play again wednesday now. Contra Honduras. Semifinal. You have to stay up with me for that one! :D I'll talk to them, they will make it worth your while!

  2. @Mari - Yeah, I'll call Chepo, and talk to him about the situation!
