
Monday, April 25, 2011

profile pic

Yup, it has nothing to do with the post, does someone want to buy me a macro lens so I don't have to be like 45cm from my target focus?

People, I'm looking at you Mari, always tell me that I should put a photo of me and Sophie for my profile picture.  I am guessing cause Sophie is cute.  But they don't get that I purposely do not put a photo of Sophie in my profile picture, or flaunt Sophie around.  It is not because I am ashamed or her or anything like that.  It has more to do with the fact that I want to be identified as me.  My own person.  Not Sophie's mom.  I mean, I am obviously Sophie's mom, but that's just part of me.  So many parents make their life about their children.  That's great if that's what you want.  But I want my life to say something about me, I do not want to measure my life by Sophie's life.  I don't know, I guess this makes me selfish or something.  I just want Sophie to have her own life and own convictions.  And I want my own.  I know a photo is not a big deal or anything, it wouldn't change how I view things.  But I still feel like it would be infringing on me.  I just don't want to end up with nothing to talk about except Sophie.  I don't want Sophie to become my identity.  Do I make sense at all?


  1. My profile pic has Sophie, and I didn't even think that it made me less me at all...or that my life is just Sophie.

  2. i know, what i think about my profile pics do not apply to other people, this is a personal statement, not a general statement...

  3. Even though I don't have children, I totally get what you're saying. Why should you have to be associated to Sophie...I mean, it has to happen, you're her mother, but you're you, she's she, so yeah :)

  4. lol, well I agree with Chuy... having a pic of both you doesn't make you less you at all. It's like me putting a pic with you or Sergio or anyone... It's just the people I love.

  5. that just sounded way too corny now that i'm re-reading it. lol!

  6. well at least one person gets me hahah unless sergio is being sarcastic....
