
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

c&c cage

Did you that stands for cube and corrugated plastic cage? Well I didn't. .a week ago. Actually a week ago, I didn't know we were gonna rehome some Guinea pigs and somehow I would end up making their play pen. Sure, the cage they had was by all means inhumane. ... but I'm suppose to be the animal hater (I know it doesn't go with being vegan but just cause I don't like them around, doesn't mean I don't respect their lives)... anyway, that's what I did yesterday after work. .. now the piggies have a house that's 72 in by 42 in, so 21 squared feet,  not bad, compared to the mere, not quite 3 squared feet they had been living for at least the last 6 months. .. poor dudes.  One drawback to this is that I won't get to observe them since the pen is in Sophie's room and they get the most active around her bedtime. ..


  1. Piggies!!! They're awesome :) I hope we can convince Sophie to bring their cage downstairs so we can all enjoy the piggies company!

  2. And thanks for building it! :D

  3. that cage fits perfectly in her room though!! lol but i guess it also fits in your living room.. or dining room... geli, have you carried the pigs yet?!

  4. that's a cool pen/cage thing though!
