
Friday, June 28, 2013


so i havent talked much about my job, but one of its perks is that i get to play with a bunch of gadgets, i have access for my testing to a windows 8 samsung 500T1c tablet, a MS Surface Pro tablet, nexus 7 tablet, galaxy III phone, iphone, ipad, ultrabook, another android tablet and phone that i cannot even remember their names hahah, and that doesn't include all the test laptops/desktops I have or the other equipment we use for testing, including tvs/printers/other electronics, and dont even get me started with the different wifi cards we try.....and as you can see we test in a diverse set of operating systems....ios, android (mainly ICS and JB), windows 7/8 32/64 bit, win8.1 (yup, we get releases before anyone else does hahah) i get to test out all these things, and then i get home and suddenly win 7 looks a bit old and i forget how my tablet works haha my favorite combo are the tablets with win 8, but the surface is a bit too heavy, so i would choose the samsung over it, even though the surface glides better....i love gadgets but i never buy them because i cannot practically justify their expenses, so it's cool to be able to play with these things :)


  1. ... and here I am with my windows 7 laptop doing nothing more than testing on Chrome and Firefox and not IE because fuck IE :P

    It sounds really cool, I'd love to be able to play/work/test on all that gadgets XD

    Although I'll be working with a Raspberry Pi in a few weeks, so that's something.

  2. Wait, you said Surface Pro? How is it compared to the other tablets? How does it feel?

  3. That is very cool. You can get your gadget fix at work! haha
    And windows 7 feels old?! I can't even begin to see what you mean lol but then again, I still work with plenty of XP machines in my environment.

  4. That's so cool!! I swear if I got to do that in my job I wouldn't be craving a smart phone or a tablet!
