
Saturday, April 20, 2013


So I decided to get a haircut. Since I hate haircuts and spending money on haircuts, I decided to go to the cheapest place, the beauty school that's a mile from the apartment. I got there and it was a bit intimidating signing an 'at your own risk' document, but I was already there, so what the hell. Then this guy that sounds vaguely familiar comes around and asks me what I want done to my hair. I gave him vague directions since I find that most stylist just do whatever they want anyway. He says he needs to consult with his instructor since I had apparently asked for a difficult cut. Meanwhile, he shampoos my hair and attempts to make small talk with me...poor guy. After a few failed attempts to get me to go off on my life story he asks me if I live around there

Guy: Do you live around here?
Me: Just a mile or so away.
Guy: Oh really? That's great. I live right off 39th and Powell.
Me: Really? Me too...
Guy: Yeah, I live in that complex...
Me: Powell Crest?
Guy: Yeah! You too?
Me: Yup...
Guy: No way! Wait a you live with a husband and kids?
Me: Well, I live with a husband and a kid...
Guy: I think you live across from me! What number are you in?
Me: Uh,
Guy: Yeah! You live across from me!

Then we talked a bit about neighbors and stuff. It was crazy being the guinea pig of someone. They just talk like if you weren't there and are just a hair holder while they talked about the correct way of cutting, the angles, the posture, organization and so on. It was like peeking into a different world, I liked it. And I got the friend's rebate, so he got a bigger tip.

I avoid my neighbors like the plague, not cause they are not nice, just because I don't like small talk, let's just say it's not my forte. And I end up getting my hair cut by my closest neighbor whom I had never met and had only heard talk to others through the window. The irony. Well at least now I know that the neighbor across from us is rather nice and he'll hook me up with discounted haircuts. :P


  1. lol, that's so funny, but it's pretty awesome! (x

  2. Apparently, Sophie is so loud they think we have "kids" lol
    But yeah, strange coincidence! haha

  3. Finally!! You guys are making friends! :P
