
Sunday, March 31, 2013

spring break

so sophie has been on spring break, so most of my week has been making bracelets, doing spanish/writing lessons, playing legos, doing art projects and so forth, all while hearing a 5 year old talk nonstop.....nonstop....cute but frustrating

it's all good though, she's cool

other than mentally tired from hearing people nonstop (im an introvert...), im super physically tired cause we went out for a bike ride that was longish and hilly....and im not in good shape at all, so im nighty night


  1. Little kids can go from being very cute to being frustrating in a moment. When they talk a little, it's super cute...more than that it becomes kind of annoying...well, sometimes, depends on the kid :P

  2. I know! This weekend I was like yay Natalie likes me again! And when she wouldn't stop talking about nonsense... I wished she'd go back to hating me. Lol

  3. ^^LOL! Yeah, it was intense having Sophie home all week. Which means the summer might be even more...difficult.

  4. LOL that's funny, Were your bracelets pretty?(:

    1. I really like Sophie's! I will take a picture and post it on my blog to show you!
