
Friday, August 12, 2011

friday pics

So I was going to write about a habit experiment I am doing but I'm too lazy, so I'll just leave you with random pics I took today....

While playing with Sophie her weird game of turning into a fish....

with the "potion".....

This is how I see with glasses...

this is how I see without glasses....

Can you guys guess which movie the last two photos reminded me of? If you guess right, you get a prize!

Disclaimer: The prize is not guaranteed to have any value whatsoever.  Changes for participation may apply.  Come frutas y verduras.


  1. Adaptation!!! I totally didn't look at Mari's answer :P

  2. Adaptation!
    yay now we all get prizes 'cause you didn't say there could only be one winner! :D

  3. Baudy is right! Adaptation! You have to get a legal team to write your disclaimers next time! And cool pics!!

  4. Am I the only one who doesn't know which movie is that? :(

  5. D: D: D: D: I have it, I'm gonna lend it to you!

  6. D: indeed! adaptation is awesome! you must watch it!
