
Saturday, July 9, 2011


I don't have them often, but I don't see how I won't have one after watching Wisconsin Death Trip.  We chose almost a random documentary to watch today and it turned out to be this creepy one about some city in Wisconsin.  It's basically a narration of all the crimes that happened during 10 years long ago and their re-enactments.  Creepy.

So I rather focus on thinking back, good day, park, weather, food, parents, date night.

Nice thoughts now!

Good thoughts!


  1. Now I feel the urge to watch it :O
    I don't remember having nightmares for a long time, and i'm speaking for more than 15 years, maybe a hard time to fall sleep, but nothing more :P

  2. Yeah, that was probably the weirdest documentary I have ever seen...and that doesn't make it good. I would not recommend it.
