
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I pretended I was working on my vision program to take this hahha
Today, after taking a lunch break at the postgrad common room, I went back to the lab.  I do all my stuff in the robotics lab.  It has a robot arena attached to the lab.  That's where you test the stuff you create in the lab, I suppose.  It's just a large space that has all the robots/electrical stuff the robotics team uses.  It also has a way to monitor the path of your robot.  But anyway, that's not the point. 

I came back from eating some lunch and I see all these people carrying cameras and lights.  I am slightly perplexed, but I didn't give it much though, I gathered the EMG  band and started working on my program.  I was pretty stuck, so for like one hour and 30 minutes I was just getting frustrated until I got an idea while talking to john about my frustration and it worked.  I was pretty happy and came back to reality, that's when I noticed that they were doing an interview in the robot arena to one of the professors.  And that I was locked in the lab.  Not that I wanted to leave, but I had to go to pick up sophie in 30 minutes or so.  So now I was aware of these people doing an interview and I felt like every movement I was making was too loud.  The EMG band has velcro, so I felt bad putting on and off.  Minutes kept passing and they were still doing the interview.  The interview was from what I gather about the effect of robots in society now and in the future.  The professor was also talking about some small robots he had.  I wasn't paying much attention to tell you the truth.  The time was approaching when I had to leave to get sophie on time from the daycare.  And finally they finished.  I ALT 4ed my way out of there and rushed to get sophie. 

On my way home, I pass a railway.  And of course, 2 trains were passing which means I had to wait like 12 minutes (I listened to at least 3 songs...dredg - el cielo :)) standing there.  I don't understand why it takes so long.  The trains pass like in 3 seconds each.  But anyway, I got to sophie's daycare in time.  So it was all good.


  1. I always feel like sneezing when in situations where I can't make much noise, haha

  2. Lol, that's weird. At least they finished in time. :)

  3. Interviewer: So, tell me professor, how much time do you think we have before robots decide to take over our world?

    Professor: O.o What?

  4. sounds interesting, I want to see this footage! And yeah, your project is not in the mood in the mornings...
